

  • 悬疑 惊悚 恐怖 恐怖片 电影 
  • Tabea Georgiamo Michael von der Brelie Davis Schulz Olivia Dean Sophie Swan 哈特穆特·恩格尔 乌斯·雷蒙德 David Brückner Michael Krug Jacob F. Schmiedel Philipp Betz Karsten Rybandt Andrea Böhm Isabeau Beck 
  • 80分钟
  • 在试图驱除恶魔拥有的长发公主(奥利维亚·迪安(Olivia Dean))的尝试失败后,彼得罗辛努斯神父(雷蒙德(Urs Remond))在17世纪出售了他的城堡,并摆脱了恶魔的报应。几个世纪后,他的最在试图驱除恶魔拥有的长发公主(奥利维亚·迪安(Olivia Dean))的尝试失败后,彼得罗辛努斯神父(雷蒙德(Urs Remond))在17世纪出售了他的城堡,并摆脱了恶魔的报应。几个世纪后,他的最后一位亲戚,电影系先生Alina(Tabea Georgiamo)随同摄制组分开了这座新颖的城堡,在那里拍摄了毕业影片。但是相关的血再次唤醒了长发公主的恶魔。它希望对父亲的一切亲戚中止流血的报复
  • 海外综艺 综艺 
  • Bear Grylls 
  • Episode 41 Sweden - This episode features Will Ferrell in a special titled Men vs. Wild, where FerreEpisode 41 Sweden - This episode features Will Ferrell in a special titled Men vs. Wild, where Ferrell tags along with Bear as they journey through the frozen wilderness of Sweden. The episode is a tie-in to help promote Ferrell's new movie, Land of the Lost. -Survivalist Bear Grylls takes on the elements in some of the toughest, most inhospitable places on earth. From the deserts to the jungle, to the mountains to the arctic climates, Bear shares his best survival techniques and shows how to best stay alive in some of the harshest conditions.
  • 欧美综艺 综艺 
  • Bear Grylls 
  • 第2部分 ,共2部分 。在巴塔哥尼亚,熊去皮野兔,去悬崖峭壁,追踪美洲狮,喝脏水,然后越过佩里托莫雷诺冰川,那是一个巨大的冰冻迷宫,上面有冰洞和裂缝。第2局部 ,共2局部 。在巴塔哥尼亚,熊去皮野兔,去悬崖峭壁,追踪美洲狮,喝脏水,然后越过佩里托莫雷诺冰川,那是一个庞大的冰冻迷宫,下面有冰洞和裂痕。
  • 海外综艺 
  • Bear Grylls 
  • Bear drops into the swamps of Florida's Everglades, where at least 60 tourists need to be rescueBear drops into the swamps of Florida's Everglades, where at least 60 tourists need to be rescued each year. He trudges through the swamp and shows how to construct shelter, deal with razor-sharp sawgrass, get out of a muddy sinkhole, avoid alligators and rattlesnakes. He eats frogs and cooks a turtle Seminole-style.
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Starring Lisa Martinek Beat Marti 
  •       After his company goes bankrupt, Charles commits suicide. Now left on her own, his widow Marie   Afterhiscompanygoesbankrupt,Charlescommitssuicide.Nowleftonherown,hiswidowMarieisshockedtofindoutthathealsohadamountainofpersonaldebt.  Charles&rsqu