

  • 动漫 
  • Alfred Bjerre Larsen Oscar Dietz Asta Nordby Peter Zhelder 
  • Albert who lives in the small Danish provincial town Kalleby. Albert is always up to no good, but heAlbert who lives in the small Danish provincial town Kalleby. Albert is always up to no good, but he's also really clumsy. One day he comes to overturn the city's landmarks - a statue of a balloon captain. The townspeople are mildly not happy with his recent accident, so with his best friend, Egon, Albert takes off on an adventure to find a real balloon. On their trip postponed friends of both robbers, gypsies and the world's largest diamond.
  • 欧美 
  • Mille Dinesen Lise Baastrup Carsten Bjørnlund Nikolaj Groth Peter Gantzler Ellen Hillingsø Kristoffer Fabricius 
  • Now Rita is no longer bound by state school rules and bureaucracy, so she can design her very own scNow Rita is no longer bound by state school rules and bureaucracy, so she can design her very own school from scratch and finally shape it to her own ideals. But it is not as easy as it sounds, and sparks soon begin to fly as she begins to work alongside Hjørdis
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Paula Knüpling Cornelius Schwalm Miriam Jakob Thorbjörn Bjornsson 玛伦·艾格特 Phil Hayes 
  • 86分钟
  • 豆瓣 5.5兩對情侶,一前一後在兩個時空黯然分手。年輕戀人在希臘旅遊,男的要回英國探望意外昏迷的母親,女的要返德國繼續進修。鏡頭一轉已是30年後,另一對中年夫婦,演員妻子與人類學家丈夫感情流逝,協議離婚。時空切換不着痕跡,人生卻已轉了幾回。此時那對年輕戀人久別重遇,相對已無言。布烈遜的簡約主義如影隨形,幾個手腳特寫已令人物活靈活現。同一時空,四人軌跡重疊,是夢境的虛幻,抑或現實的迷離?看此片如一趟靜觀冥想,感受生的孤寂與愛的無常。
  • 爱情 
  • 朱丽叶·冈扎罗 Ronnie Rowe BJ·哈里森 Pietra Castro 露西娅·沃尔特斯 
  • 85分钟
  • 一位婚礼策划师最终来到了一个偏远的阿拉斯加小镇,爱上了它的圣诞盛会,以及当地男人帮助她找到一朵稀有的花。一位婚礼谋划师最终分开了一个偏远的阿拉斯加小镇,爱上了它的圣诞盛会,以及外地男人协助她找到一朵稀有的花。
  • 科幻 恐怖 动作 电影 
  • Asbjorn Andersen Bent Mejding 
  • 丹尼斯在冰天雪地的北极圈,发现了史前时代的大怪物,当它被从雪地挖出来时血液竟然是热的,于是引来科学家的研究。不料一个严重的疏忽,冷藏怪物的大冰库被打开,怪物开始融化、苏醒,也开始屠杀人类,毁灭一切。丹尼斯在冰天雪地的北极圈,发现了史前时代的大怪物,当它被从雪地挖出来时血液竟然是热的,于是引来科学家的研究。不料一个严重的疏忽,冷藏怪物的大冰库被打开,怪物开始融化、苏醒,也开始屠杀人类,毁灭一切。