

  • 欧美 
  • Jeff Wilbusch Aaron Altaras Merlin Rose Maria Dragus 
  •   In the midst of the impassable landscape at the foot of the Alps, a young group of serious offende  In the midst of the impassable landscape at the foot of the Alps, a young group of serious offenders is undergoing an experiential educational program intended to rehabilitate them. All of a sudden, a member of the program dies a violent death. Nobody knows exactly what happened, and the youths face a difficult decision. Should they wait for the authorities to recover the body and investigate the crime? Or, escape and take their fate into their own hands? The group doesnt have much in common with each other, though one thing unites them; all of them have had really bad experiences with the authorities and don‘t expect to be treated fairly. Since they dont know who the perpetrator is, they only have one option: to run. Up the mountains, up the highest peaks of the Alps. It seems hopeless until they stumble onto a complex cave system where they can find shelter from wind, weather, and their pursuers. In their fight against the forces of nature, they form their own society, according to their own rules: the Wild Republic.
  • 剧情 传记 电影 
  • KarlMarkovics JohannesSilberschneider BarbaraRomaner 
  • 98
  • 1910年,有“音乐暴君”之称的马勒,发现心爱的太太红杏出墙,第三者竟然是Bauhaus创办人兼建筑师WalterGropius。受尽情变折磨的马勒,远走荷兰找来正在度假的弗洛伊德尽诉心声。起初不愿意1910年,有“音乐暴君”之称的马勒,发现心爱的太太红杏出墙,第三者竟然是Bauhaus创办人兼建筑师WalterGropius。受尽情变折磨的马勒,远走荷兰找来正在度假的弗洛伊德尽诉心声。起初不愿意接受心理治疗的马勒,无奈坐上弗洛伊德的病人床,回忆起跟年轻19岁的太太Aima的相遇情形:两人火速热恋,互相欣赏。但婚后的马勒,却严禁太太追逐她的作曲梦。女儿逝世过后,二人的婚姻开始触礁,促成太太的出轨行为。与弗洛伊德的一席话,令马勒自信找到了挽救婚姻的方法。马勒逝世100年几年电影,揭开一代古典传奇音乐家的爱情故事。
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • AnthonyMarkStreeter NathanHamilton RussellBarnett EmmyHappisburgh SeverijaBielskyte 
  • 88
  • 首张首次在iPhone上拍摄,是在他自由的第一天,一个灰头大脚的前骗子,他挣扎着与家人重新联系,与他那险恶的过去争抢追赶他。一部坚韧不拔、大气的伦敦戏剧,从有毒的阳刚之气和责任的重担中潜入父子关系的复首张初次在iPhone上拍摄,是在他自在的第一天,一个灰头大脚的前骗子,他挣扎着与家人重新联络,与他那险峻的过去争抢追逐他。一部坚决不移、大气的伦敦戏剧,从有毒的阳刚之气和责任的重担中潜入父子关系的复杂性。
  • 剧情 爱情 电影 
  • Stephen Lin Vincenzo Vaccaro Lou Martini Jr. Gilbrando Acevedo 赵茜 Robert House Patrick Duke Conboy Richie Ng JR Carter Sarah Jun 
  • 88分钟
  • 中国姑娘在美国收到迫害被一名美国司机所救下,两人在相处中渐生好感。但随着互相的了解,美国司机逐渐打开了这个中国姑娘背后的秘密。为了能够让这个中国姑娘重获自由,他不得不做出一系列的选择与决定...  中国姑娘在美国收到迫害被一名美国司机所救下,两人在相处中渐生好感。但随着互相的了解,美国司机逐渐打开了这个中国姑娘背后的秘密。为了能够让这个中国姑娘重获自由,他不得不做出一系列的选择与决定...
  • 剧情 家庭 电视 
  • VenancioMuro 阿瑞亚·贝得玛 InésAldea AlbaBrunet AnadelRey AriaBedmar 
  • 54
  • Acacias38'takesusto1899tonarratethestoryofagroupofmaidsandthebourgeoisfamiliesforwhomtheywork.AstoryAcacias38'takesusto1899tonarratethestoryofagroupofmaidsandthebourgeoisfamiliesforwhomtheywork.Astoryaboutthewealthyandthepoorthatreflectsthemeetingoftwoworldsinasingularspace:adoorwaytoAcacias38.ThisbuildinginabourgeoisneighborhoodofaSpanishcityisthesettingfortheadventuresofthedifferentcharacters:theSernafamily,the?lvarez-Hermoso,theHidalgo,thePalacios,theirmaidsandtheirneighbors.