

  • 美国 欧美 
  • Enrique Carriazo Fabiana Medina Laura Osma Sebastian Osorio Carlos Carvajal 
  • 前去参与万圣节派对后,大先生路易斯·安德烈·科梅纳雷斯与世长辞这是场不测还是谋杀?前去参与万圣节派对后,大先生路易斯·安德烈·科梅纳雷斯与世长辞这是场不测还是谋杀?
  • 纪录 电影 
  • 布雷特·安德森 西蒙·吉尔伯特 马特·奥斯曼 理查德·奥克斯 尼尔·柯德林 Justin Frischmann Mike Joyce 瑞奇·热维斯 Richard Osman Alan Fisher Stuart Maconie 
  • Suede's arrival in British music in the 1990s was a phenomenon. Fated as 'The Best New Band in BritaSuede's arrival in British music in the 1990s was a phenomenon. Fated as 'The Best New Band in Britain' before they had even released a single, their debut album was the biggest selling for a generation and their emergence and dominance heralded Britpop. Made with full access to the band and their unexpurgated, incredible archive, Suede: The Insatiable Ones is documentary-feature that tells their story with brutal honesty, humour and dignity. Pulling no punches, the film eschews a linear form for a themed journey through Suede's intense career, and its creative and personal highs and lows. Through five chapters it explores: their roots and identity; the rush of success and immediate, infamous internal power struggle and schism, which few thought they could survive; the subsequent commercial apogee and significant international success; the resultant excess and substance abuse; their 'slow painful death' and split; and - ultimately - their recent, brilliant, acclaimed artistic rebirth. Frontman Brett Anderson and the band are joined by a wonderful cast that includes founder member of Suede and Elastica, Justine Frischmann, Suede's early manager Ricky Gervais, early Suede drummer and ex-Smith Mike Joyce, alongside friends, family and collaborators including Richard Osman, iconic designer Peter Saville, and others.
  • 恐怖 惊悚 电影 
  • MackenzieRosmanAmyBrassetteKimCollinsSloaneCoe 
  • 87
  • 惨遭杀害的鲨鱼受到诅咒,化作鬼鲨向小镇居民展开复仇行动.鬼鲨遇水而现,泳池,浴缸,水杯无处不在,所到之处无人生还……粗鲁蛮横的博贝克和女儿维多利亚参加钓鱼大赛,谁知到手的鱼儿却被一条白鲨吃掉.博贝克勃惨遭杀害的鲨鱼受到诅咒,化作鬼鲨向小镇居民展开复仇行动.鬼鲨遇水而现,泳池,浴缸,水杯无处不在,所到之处无人生还……粗鲁蛮横的博贝克和女儿维多利亚参加钓鱼大赛,谁知到手的鱼儿却被一条白鲨吃掉.博贝克勃然大怒,竟然用炸药对付鲨鱼,结果父女引来了可怕的杀身之祸,连驾驶游艇的船长也无法幸免.次日,爱娃,卡梅隆,米克,布雷西等几名年轻人来海边玩耍,可在欢乐之时一条全身散发荧光的鲨鱼向人们发起猛烈攻击.原来鲨鱼也有憎恶怨恨之心,昨晚的鲨鱼虽被博贝克炸死,但它的怨念使它化身为复仇的鬼鲨鱼,向所有人类展开报复.而这一切的背后,又藏着不可告人的秘密……
  • 纪录片 电视 
  • 印开蒲 MichaelS.Dosmann 
  • 50
  • 百年前,英國植物學家威爾遜遠渡重洋來到中國,採集植物標本。他在神農架原始森林中採集到的珙桐標本,至今仍保存在英國大英博物館。在神農架國家級自然保護區,有一座橋被命名為“威爾遜橋”。據欄目組負責人介紹,百年前,英國植物學家威爾遜遠渡重洋來到中國,採集植物標本。他在神農架原始森林中採集到的珙桐標本,至今仍保存在英國大英博物館。在神農架國家級自然保護區,有一座橋被命名為“威爾遜橋”。據欄目組負責人介紹,該紀錄片沿著威爾遜當年在中國的路程,模擬場景還原其曆盡艱辛探險的傳奇經歷。《中國威爾遜》共3集,將於明年上半年播出。威爾遜饰演者michel在接收記者採訪時說,神農架非常美丽,親眼看到這些高峻的冷杉樹,真是不可思議。
  • 剧情 爱情 家庭 电影 
  • 嘉莲·维雅 尼古拉斯·迪佛休尔 Nadia Barentin Patrick Fierry Catherine Hosmalin Jean-Noël 
  • 89分钟
  • 豆瓣 7.7玛丽莲(嘉莲·维雅KarinViard饰)是一名电台DJ,主持着一档深夜情感节目。每一天入夜,都会有许许多多被感情所困扰的听众打电话给玛丽莲,向她倾诉自己的烦恼,而玛丽莲则用她充满了智慧的回答和温柔的声音温暖着每一个委屈而又无助的人,随着时间的推移,玛丽莲渐渐成为了电台里的一把手。可实际上,没有人知道这个温柔声音背后的主人究竟长什么样子。  现实里的玛丽莲一直过着形单影只的生活,她讨厌和人打交道,整天躲在自己装修高档的豪宅之中。玛丽莲自幼被母亲抛弃,从未见过母亲的模样,所以,当她得知了母亲的下落后,决定见一见她。