

  • 动作 古装 玄幻 
  • 朱羿坤 苑子艺 元华 元秋 王若心 彭禺厶 袁伶嫣 黄筱琳 
  • Heavenly fire fell from the sky and mythical monsters emerged, plunging the world into chaos. The imHeavenly fire fell from the sky and mythical monsters emerged, plunging the world into chaos. The imperial court proclaimed that whoever could tame the mythical monsters would be richly rewarded with status and wealth. An organization to fight the beasts, the Beast-Subduing Department, was established, and a hero ranking list was created. As the mythical beasts faction gradually gained power, Hua Manteng, who wanted to become king, assassinated the emperor and mercilessly massacred the people. And so the humans battled against the mythical beasts, all of whom served their own masters.
  • 言情 连续 
  • 周浩东 张茜 宗峰岩 曹志勇 陈洁 朱羿坤 赵卓娜 陈潘晶 
  • 《如此婚姻》剧照东方夏雪和张凯初涉社会,却无意间目睹了老师、亲人、乃至朋友的失败婚姻。张凯的实习老师李宜朵在婚姻中一味隐忍,想要保全完整的家庭,结果一张巨额彩票却瞬间激化了矛盾。李宜朵一味的隐忍不仅没《如此婚姻》剧照东方夏雪和张凯初涉社会,却无意间目睹了老师、亲人、乃至朋友的失败婚姻。张凯的实习老师李宜朵在婚姻中一味隐忍,想要保全完整的家庭,结果一张巨额彩票却瞬间激化了矛盾。李宜朵一味的隐忍不仅没有挽救婚姻,还扭曲了原本善良的心灵,最终葬送了自己的将来。   罗薇在经历了一场精神出轨后及时悔悟,重新回归家庭,然而生性多疑的丈夫却无法重新信任妻子,无休止的猜疑最终推倒了婚姻的基石!   李颜原本是个朴实的姑娘,却爱上了家庭纠纷不断的“三不男人”高迁,在经历了迷失与混乱之后,李颜终于明白怎样的男人值得依靠,怎样的男人不必坚持。他人失败的婚姻固然是场悲剧,然而其中也蕴育着新的希望和开始。《如此婚姻》试图通过年轻人的视野,从崭新的角度重新解读婚姻密码,让新一代的婚姻在立足现实的基础上,更多一份理智与坚守。