

  • 剧情 动作 电影 
  • 杨钧承 李镇男 陆翊 
  • 97
  • 董海川净身入宫筹备刺杀咸丰天子,却接连遭受咸丰驾崩和义军兵败两重打击,要刺杀的目的和委托他刺杀的人都没有了,此时正值第二次鸦片战斗之后,洋人权势在京城作威作福,董海川决意重新振作要将八卦掌研讨至大成。董海川净身入宫筹备刺杀咸丰天子,却接连遭受咸丰驾崩和义军兵败两重打击,要刺杀的目的和委托他刺杀的人都没有了,此时正值第二次鸦片战斗之后,洋人权势在京城作威作福,董海川决意重新振作要将八卦掌研讨至大成。
  • 动作 悬疑 冒险 电影 
  • 宋恺 李镇男 白云峰 何乙轩 尹扬明 袁祥仁 胜钢 葛凌芮 
  • 78分钟
  • 闫飞查出上海近期发生的离奇命案真凶乃丧失神志力大无穷的改造人。改造人四处杀人令社会大乱。黄俊以神笛之音控制了局面,因而被段司令提拔成新任市长。黄俊联手闫飞追查背后真相,线索指向日本731部队。闫飞父竟  《探案录骨笛魔音》中闫飞查出上海近期发生的离奇命案真凶乃丧失神识力大无穷的改造人,改造人四处杀人令社会大乱。黄俊以神笛之音控制了局面,因而被段司令提拔成新任市长。黄俊联手闫飞追查背後真相,线索指向日本731部队……  闫飞父竟然也被改造了。失踪一年的白凌突然出现要求跟闫飞合作联手对付黄俊,指出黄俊是个能力极强的魔头,一年多前利用日本人的实验室复活了父亲黄朗,更成功把活人改造成不死战士,妄图征服世界。黄俊更是设计让闫飞误杀了自己的父亲,面对重重险境,众人如何战胜逆境。
  • 动作 电影 
  • 杨钧承 李镇男 陆翊 
  • 清咸丰年间八卦掌首创 人董海川游走江湖,磨炼 武功,要创出一门前所未有的内家拳法,贪婪无比又酷爱武学的德威用种种 步伐 欺压 他交出武学,甚至将他逼得无处安身,他为义军唐赛虎所救,又卷入义军刺杀咸丰清咸丰年间八卦掌首创 人董海川游走江湖,磨炼 武功,要创出一门前所未有的内家拳法,贪婪无比又酷爱武学的德威用种种 步伐 欺压 他交出武学,甚至将他逼得无处安身,他为义军唐赛虎所救,又卷入义军刺杀咸丰皇帝的计划。
  • 动作 冒险 悬疑 
  • 宋恺 白云峰 李镇男 尹扬明 沐岚 袁祥仁 释胜钢 何乙轩 
  • Yan Fei found out that the real culprit in the recent bizarre homicide case in Shanghai pointed to rYan Fei found out that the real culprit in the recent bizarre homicide case in Shanghai pointed to remolded humans who lost his mind and had endless strength. Remolded humans killed citizens everywhere, causing social chaos. Huang Jun controlled the situation with the sound of the divine flute and thus, was promoted to the new mayor by Commander Duan. Huang Jun teamed up with Yan Fei to investigate the truth behind the scenes and the clues pointed to Japanese Unit 731. Yan Fei's father was also remoulded. Bai Ling who had been missing for a year suddenly appeared and wanted to cooperate with Yan Fei to work against Huang Jun. He pointed out that Huang Jun is a very capable psychopath. He used the Japanese laboratory to resurrect his father Huang Lang more than one year ago and also remolded living people into undead warriors in an attempt to conquer the earth. Huang Jun even set Yan Fei up to make him kill his father by mistake. Despite all the difficulties, everyone finally defeated the Undead Team and Huang Jun with wisdom and courage.