

  • 动作 犯罪 电影 
  • 王泊文 谭盐盐 赵怀良 郭震 
  • 70分钟
  • 无罪之城,真正的法外之地!每年都有大批恶徒逃到这里,以求逃避法律制裁,这里就是犯罪的天堂。隶属于 ITP (国际特警局)的特种兵唐柯,孤身潜入,在执行任务过程中,唐柯不幸被索兰注射了剧毒药剂,生命仅仅  电影是根据人气漫画《无罪之城》改编,讲述了国际金融大鳄索兰在太平洋的某处孤岛上建立了一座没有法律限制的“无罪之城”,众多被通缉的犯罪分子慕名前往,以求庇护。国际特种兵唐柯带着遣散罪犯的目的卧底无罪之城,然而在执行任务时,不幸落入索兰的圈套。唐柯用尽浑身解数从密室里逃生,却发现自己体内被注射毒剂,生命只剩下几小时,妻子被索兰杀害,女儿也被绑架,孤注一掷的唐柯因此踏上复仇之路。
  • 剧情 动作 爱情 电影 
  • 吕一杰 林月清 罗莽 陈之辉 赵怀良 廖丽颖 胡凯莉 许嘉文 三炮哥 
  • 73分钟
  • 横行霸道的四海集团,在大律师梁生的庇护下,被逐渐洗白,并享誉一时。巨钻九龙壁的出现,让警方意识到这是一次良机。赵锦豪沉着笃定,身手了得,经上级委派化名郭豪暗中展开调查,不料却节外生枝,只能在机关陷阱中  郭豪盗取了四海集团的巨钻九龙壁,原想了结个人恩怨后决定金盆洗手。国际刑警也追查了四海集团很久,由于梁生大律师的身份,一直为黑蛇的不法行径洗白,所以始终没有得到有效证据。郭豪盗取了九龙壁,回程路上遇上黑蛇手下,郭豪偶遇林悦,两人假扮情侣躲过追踪。梁生发觉警方介入调查,主张暂避锋芒,放弃了钻石。黑蛇对梁生的做法感到不解,与梁生产生了分歧。黑蛇的杀手集团与郭豪展开激烈角逐,郭豪意识到行动的危险,让助手安宁暂时躲避。未料,铁虎出手杀死安宁。郭豪悲愤不已,而此时黑蛇抓了林悦,约郭豪见面。郭豪与警方取得联系,对黑蛇实施抓捕,黑蛇最终落网。郭豪为救林悦,倒在血泊中。林悦伤心欲绝,失声痛哭。
  • 爱情 动作 警匪 
  • 吕一杰 林月清 陈之辉 罗莽 赵怀良 
  • Under the wings of Barrister Liang Sheng, the tyrannical Four Seas Group gradually washed itself cleUnder the wings of Barrister Liang Sheng, the tyrannical Four Seas Group gradually washed itself clean and became respectable. The emergence of the huge diamond, the Wall of Nine Dragons, made the police realize that this was a great opportunity. Zhao Jinhao was calm and determined, and was also a nimble fighter. On the instructions of his superior, he adopted the alias Guo Hao and secretly conducted investigations. Liang Sheng sensed the police's involvement and proposed to stay a low profile and give up the diamond. Black Snake and Liang Sheng got into a disagreement and fell out over it. Guo Hao wanted to trade the diamond with Black Snake, but found that the diamond had been switched. When he investigated, he found that Lin Yue was actually a subordinate of Black Snake. Hitman Steel Tiger and Guo Hao began a fierce chase after each other. Guo Hao realized the severe danger of the operation and instructed An Ning, his assistant, to go into temporary hiding. He had not expected Steel Tiger would kill An Ning, which led Guo Hao into great grief. Believing that the outcome had been a foregone conclusion, Liang Sheng decided to leave the country.