

  • 动作 惊悚 灾难 
  • 赵毅新 李佳怡 邱士鉴 姜彦希 陈贵奔 埃米尔 李子雄 洛桑群培 杨凯迪 边玥宁 蔡树欣 荆武星 
  • 秦宇的未婚妻在調查卡斯集團時離奇死亡,為了在法庭上成功指證這個作惡多端的生物集團,秦宇跟蹤掌握集團犯罪證據的傑森上了郵輪,卻突遭變異蛇群攻擊,誤入卡斯集團進行非法實驗的島嶼,島嶼奇怪的生態環境與巨蛇的秦宇的未婚妻在調查卡斯集團時離奇死亡,為了在法庭上成功指證這個作惡多端的生物集團,秦宇跟蹤掌握集團立功證據的傑森上了郵輪,卻突遭變異蛇群攻擊,誤入卡斯集團進行合法實驗的島嶼,島嶼奇异的生態環境與巨蛇的再次來襲,令秦宇等人身陷絕命危機,而後眾人齊心協力相互配合脫離險境,並圓滿將卡斯集團罪行公佈於眾。
  • 动作 惊悚 灾难 
  • 赵毅新 李佳怡 邱士鉴 姜彦希 陈贵奔 埃米尔 李子雄 洛桑群培 杨凯迪 边玥宁 蔡树欣 荆武星 
  • During an investigation into the Cas Group, Qin Yu's fiancée died a bizarre death. Hoping to bring tDuring an investigation into the Cas Group, Qin Yu's fiancée died a bizarre death. Hoping to bring this heinous bio group to justice, Qin Yu followed Jason, who had evidence of the group's crime, on the cruise. They were suddenly attacked by a group of mutant snakes and ended up on the island where the Cas Group was conducting illegal experiments. The strange ecological environment of the island and the second attack of the giant mutant snakes plunged Qin Yu and the others into a deadly crisis. As a team, they worked together to escape and successfully expose the evil doings of the Cas Group to the world.