

  • 动作 犯罪 奇幻 电影 
  • 易屹 郭星辰 吴焱尊 邓凯蓝 周小龙 陈潇潇 徐少武 谭佳佳 伊银 吴峰 
  • 73分钟
  • 中国偏远昆城有个博物馆,博物馆安排石勇,潘东婷等人前去边境拉邦镇把属于我国国宝对接带回昆城博物馆。不料路上遇到了昆城全城要通缉的罪犯。这些通缉犯把石勇一伙人当做了人质控制起来。坤哥怕罪犯抓到之后对自己  中国偏远昆城有个博物馆,博物馆安排石勇,潘东婷等人前去边境拉邦镇把属于我国国宝对接带回昆城博物馆。不料路上遇到了昆城全城要通缉的罪犯。这些通缉犯把石勇一伙人当做了人质控制起来。坤哥怕罪犯抓到之后对自己不利,于是暗中派了黑衣人要把罪犯全都杀掉,还要把国宝强抢回来,一路惊险无比,刀枪无眼死的死,伤的伤。但是石勇一伙并没有失去信心,只要人活着就有机会把国宝带回去。潘东婷经过卧底的帮助和国宝对接人交接,不料被通缉犯南天、田大彪一伙发现,于是内乱开始了,田大彪见宝失去控制杀害了南天,田大彪抱起国宝逃跑了,在户外处被及时赶来的正义警察堵住了去路,田大彪,黑衣人通通被抓,国宝安然被送回博物馆。
  • 动作 冒险 悬疑 
  • 欧上上 温川杰 韦雨贝 胡范范 王梓安 陈潇潇 
  • Gao Dawei and Shou Bo have been aspiring to be great detectives, but in reality, they are more like Gao Dawei and Shou Bo have been aspiring to be great detectives, but in reality, they are more like two funny guys who tend to get into various troubles. In an activity, Gao Dawei and Shou Bo seized the antiques of Li Taikun, but it wasn’t a normal case of theft. Li Taikun fell from a building and died in the middle of a party, and clues led to the bronze drum in Li’s collection. It turned out that the bronze drum was the reason why criminal gangs and mysterious people kept coming after Li. As Gao Dawei followed the leads, he found out more information about the ancestor of the Four Sacred Creatures bronze drum, in Li Taikun’s collection, including its location. Meanwhile, it seems like there was a mole in the team who had been in contact with a group of grave robbers. Bai Mao and his men arrived at the spot, too. Can Gao Dawei crack the riddles in the end after so many obstacles? A stormy battle of wit and courage is on the horizon.