

  • 纪录 剧情 
  • 露西·沃斯利 
  •   Lucy Worsley延续了她在BB   Lucy Worsley延续了她在BBC四台大受欢迎的历史节目,继“英国历史上的弥天大谎”之后,在2019年推出三集“美国历史上的弥天大谎”,解构美国历史上的三个神话——美国革命、内战和热战。
  • 欧美 
  • 露西·沃斯利 
  • Lucy Worsley travels to Russia to tell the extraordinary story of the dynasty that ruled the countryLucy Worsley travels to Russia to tell the extraordinary story of the dynasty that ruled the country for more than three centuries. It’s an epic tale that includes giant figures such as Peter the Great and Catherine the Great, the devastating struggle against Napoleon in 1812, and the shocking murders of Nicholas II and his family in 1918 which brought the dynasty to a brutal end.   The Romanovs were the most powerful European monarchs since the Middle Ages, wielding unmatched authority into the 20th century. Lucy will see how they embraced and sponsored the arts on an astonishing scale, commissioning artworks and building spectacular palaces that still dazzle today. Yet many ordinary Russians were little better than slaves, and the failure of the Romanovs to address their condition would ultimately lead to revolution.   In this new three-part series, Lucy will apply her characteristic insight, attention to detail and wit to the Romanov dynasty. Her understanding of royal tradition and culture, and her gift for bringing historical characters vividly to life, will create a fresh and compelling account of this unique royal family.
  • 综艺 
  • 露西·沃斯利 
  • 露西·沃斯利讲述了英国皇室和摄影的故事这个故事始于阿尔伯特和维多利亚对拍照的热情——以及对拍照的热情。在我们这个时代,经常被她的丈夫斯诺登勋爵(Lord Snowden)拍到照片的玛格丽特公主(Pri露西·沃斯利讲述了英国皇室和摄影的故事这个故事始于阿尔伯特和维多利亚对拍照的热情——以及对拍照的热情。在我们这个时代,经常被她的丈夫斯诺登勋爵(Lord Snowden)拍到照片的玛格丽特公主(Princess Margaret)和戴安娜王妃(Princess Diana)等人物显得格外突出
  • 纪录 剧情 
  • 露西·沃斯利 
  • Dr Lucy Worsleys series begins in 1714 when, to prevent the crown falling into the hands of a CatholDr Lucy Worsleys series begins in 1714 when, to prevent the crown falling into the hands of a Catholic, Britain shipped in a ready-made royal family from Hanover.
  • 纪录片 记录片 记录 剧情 
  • 露西·沃斯利 Paola Bontempi 克莱尔·库珀 Elly Condron Rebecca Dyson-Smith Lauren McQueen 彭雅思 斯科特·阿瑟 理查德·赖丁斯 
  • 60
  • Inanambitious,ground-breakingapproachtodramaandhistory,historianLucyWorsleytimetravelsbacktotheTudorInanambitious,ground-breakingapproachtodramaandhistory,historianLucyWorsleytimetravelsbacktotheTudorCourttowitnesssomeofthemostdramaticmomentsinthelivesofHenryVIII’sSixWives.CombiningdramawrittenbyChloeMosswithLucy’sowncontemporaryhistoricalcomment,Lucywillmoveseamlesslyfromthepresenttothepast,appearingasarangeofsilentservants:amaid,midwifeornursemaid.Asthedramaplaysout,LucyeavesdropsontheeventsintheRoyalCourtandreportsback.Closelyknitandoftenrelatedtoeachother,theTudorcourtwasmadeupofasmallgroupofpowerfulfamiliesallvyingforinfluenceandpowerovereachother.Whileitwasaworldrunbymen,andtheKinghadultimatepower,eachQueen(aswellastheirladiesinwaiting)foundtheirownuniquemethodsofexertinginfluence.Forthefirsttime,itisthesewomen’sstoriesthatLucywantstouncover,witnessandexplore,aswellasofferingaverynewlensonHenryhimself.
  • 美国 
  • 露西·沃斯利 Lucy Worsley 
  • HistorianLucyWorsleytakesusbehindcloseddoorsatthreetreasure-filledroyalpalacestouncoverhoweachbuildiHistorianLucyWorsleytakesusbehindcloseddoorsatthreetreasure-filledroyalpalacestouncoverhoweachbuildinghasshapedamonarchyandanation.Withexclusiveaccesstothepalaces’mostsecretplaces,sheuncoversthedramaticeventsthatchangedthecour搜索引擎优化fBritishhistory,frommightandintimidationattheTowerofLondonandtheriseandfallofabsolutemonarchyatHamptonCourttothemodernfaceofroyaltyatKensingtonPalace.
  • 综艺 
  • 露西·沃斯利 Zoe Laughlin 
  • BBC纪录片,共一集衣食住行离不开各种资料,资料迷信是社会的基础。Zoe Laughlin从六个方面讲述新资料的神奇之处,包括医药、修建、时兴、运输、平安和通讯。BBC纪录片,共一集衣食住行离不开各种资料,资料迷信是社会的基础。Zoe Laughlin从六个方面讲述新资料的神奇之处,包括医药、修建、时兴、运输、平安和通讯。
  • 综艺 
  • 露西·沃斯利 
  • 历史学家、马术新手露西·沃斯利(Lucy Worsley)在一场地下扮演前学习了17世纪的马芭蕾艺术一路上,她探求了这种特殊消遣的来源,目击了国外壮观的扮演,并发现了它令人惊讶的遗产。历史学家、马术新手露西·沃斯利(Lucy Worsley)在一场地下扮演前学习了17世纪的马芭蕾艺术一路上,她探求了这种特殊消遣的来源,目击了国外壮观的扮演,并发现了它令人惊讶的遗产。
  • 欧美 
  • 露西·沃斯利 
  • Historian Lucy Worsley debunks popular myths and royal as well as anti-royal propaganda about key evHistorian Lucy Worsley debunks popular myths and royal as well as anti-royal propaganda about key events from British royal history including the English Reformation, the attack of the Spanish Armada and Queen Anne's forgotten legacy.
  • 纪录 电影 
  • 露西·沃斯利 
  • Lucy Worsley tells the story of Britain’s royals and photography. It’s a tale that begins with AlberLucy Worsley tells the story of Britain’s royals and photography. It’s a tale that begins with Albert and Victoria’s enthusiasm for having their pictures taken – and for taking pictures. Closer to our own time, such figures as Princess Margaret, often photographed by her husband, Lord Snowden, and Princess Diana loom large.