

  • 剧情 电影 
  • 莉亚·科贝德 莎莉·霍金斯 Craig Parkinson 梅拉·沙尔 安东尼·麦凯 茱丽叶特·斯蒂文森 蒂莫西·斯波 Soraya Omar-Scego 
  • 128分钟
  • 豆瓣 8.8华莉丝(莉亚•科贝德LiyaKebede饰)出生在索马里的沙漠和母亲过着游牧民族的生活。在三岁时,华莉丝按照索马里习俗就被施以女性割礼。十二岁时父亲为了得到五头骆驼,要将华莉丝嫁给六十岁的老叟。就在出嫁前夜,华莉丝在母亲的默许下,在沙漠中徒步很久投奔摩加迪沙的外祖母,也在外祖母那里获得了去给当时索马里驻英国大使夫人的姨妈作女佣的机会。到英国后不久,索马里爆发战争,旧政府被推翻,华莉丝趁乱再次出逃大使馆而流浪英国街头。  华莉丝在街头邂逅了收留自己的玛丽莲(莎莉•霍金斯SallyHawkins饰),跟着又在打工的餐厅里遇到伯乐,最终被发掘成为世界名模,并投身于妇女解放事业。  电影《沙漠之花》是根据出生于索马里的黑人模特华莉丝•迪里的自传畅销书改编。
  • 剧情 犯罪 电影 
  • 安东尼娅·坎贝尔-休斯 杰米斯·巴特勒 托尔·林德哈特 崔娜·蒂虹 迪尔巴拉·莫洛伊 罗兰·维斯内克 
  • 111分钟
  • 豆瓣 6.6根据1998年震惊世界的真实事件改编。奥地利女孩娜塔莎卡姆普什在被绑架和囚禁八年多之后终于逃出生天,之后娜塔莎出版了自传《3096》讲述了这段可怕的过去。1998年年仅10岁的奥地利女孩娜塔莎遭人绑架沦为性奴,自此一直遭关押达8年。绑架者最初4年始终将她关在屋中,后来逐步放松警惕,但大多数时依旧与世隔绝,在她心中从未放弃过追求自由的希望。
  • 犯罪 动作 
  • Almila Bagriacik Raunend Taleb Aram Arami Armin Wahedi 
  • The film A regular woman portrays the fate of Hatun Ayhrun Sürücü, a German woman of Turkish descentThe film A regular woman portrays the fate of Hatun Ayhrun Sürücü, a German woman of Turkish descent, and her struggle for a free, self-determined life in the face of her family's opposition. Her brothers refuse to accept her lifestyle; insults and threats continue to escalate. Finally, the young woman reports her oldest brother to the police. She no longer feels safe at home, so she takes her child and moves in with a female friend. At the same time, the family is trying to find a wife for her brother, her future killer. They manage to discipline the young Turkish woman Melek, played by Evin, into becoming a strict, devout Muslim in the space of a few weeks. She is part of their plan, intended to take in and care for the little boy after Hatun is dead. And then the murder is committed