

  • 恐怖 电影 
  • 拉瑞·凡斯登 杰瑞米·加德奈 
  • 82
  • Desperateforsuccessandquicklyloosinggrip,apairofmetalmusicianslureayoungwomantoasecludedmansioninhopDesperateforsuccessandquicklyloosinggrip,apairofmetalmusicianslureayoungwomantoasecludedmansioninhopesofinspiringtheirnextalbum.However,tensionsarisebetweenthetwobandmatesasoneofthemaccidentallyfallsinlovewiththeirsoon-to-bevictim.
  • 科幻 剧情 电影 
  • Philip Dreher Nadia Essadiqi Hubert Gagnon Marie-Ginette Guay 
  • 0
  • 四名宇航员被迫在地球附近的一个空间站停留1000天,以求证木卫二——木星的卫星之一是否真实存在。直到地球上劫难的发生,打破了宁静。四名宇航员被迫在地球附近的一个空间站停留1000天,以求证木卫二——木星的卫星之一是否真实存在。直到地球上劫难的发生,打破了宁静。
  • 剧情 爱情 歌舞 电影 
  • 德米特里亚·麦金尼 查兹·拉马尔·谢泼德 安吉拉·伯切特 
  • 87分钟
  • 聖誕節的前一個月,一位年輕的助理牧師被派往新教堂。她將展開新的挑戰,除了整頓唱詩班混亂的秩序,還得在傳統與創新間維持平衡。在悠揚美好的聖誕樂音中,她是否能為自己找到新的歸屬呢?一起與聖誕浪漫故事不期而聖誕節的前一個月,一位年輕的助理牧師被派往新教堂。她將展開新的挑戰,除了整頓唱詩班混亂的次第,還得在傳統與創新間維持平衡。在悠揚美妙的聖誕樂音中,她能否能為自己找到新的歸屬呢?一同與聖誕浪漫故事不期而遇吧!
  • 剧情 电影 
  • 琳赛·普尔斯菲 格伦·莫肖尔 杰西·普莱蒙 查尔斯·贝克 查尔斯·哈尔福德 瑞克斯·林恩 詹姆斯·汉普顿 
  • Johnathan is a nine-year-old boy who loves sea monsters, and his 300 lb. pet pig, named Wee Wee. UnlJohnathan is a nine-year-old boy who loves sea monsters, and his 300 lb. pet pig, named Wee Wee. Unlike most kids, Johnathan has nystagmus, which makes his eyes "flutter." He also suffers from severe narrow angle glaucoma; an acute condition that if untreated can lead to permanent blindness. JoLynn cares for Johnathan alone while her singer/songwriter husband David travels in search of his big break. To treat Johnathan, she grows hydroponic marijuana to relieve the painful intraocular pressure Glaucoma causes. She cooks the marijuana into brownies and feeds them to him in secret. David"s parents, Mark and Linda, live nearby and provide for JoLynn and Johnathan as best they can on a fixed income. Linda is highly critical of JoLynn"s ability to raise Johnathan. During her son"s absence, Johnathan has become more undisciplined than Linda would like. While Mark tries to keep the peace, he is torn between his wife and their daughter-in-law, who he loves deeply.
  • 剧情 电影 
  • 埃马纽埃尔·德沃 纳塔莉·贝伊 David Clavel Diane Rouxel 
  • 91分钟
  • 豆瓣 6.1瑞士导演弗里德里克·麦蒙(FrédéricMermoud)擅长执导恐怖片,他执导的惊悚题材电视剧《魂归故里》曾在法国大获成功。他的最新电影《摩卡》依然是关于一个犯罪的故事。艾曼纽·德芙(EmmanuelleDevos)饰演的Diane,儿子在一场交通事故中离世,而肇事司机逃逸。  在警方找不到更多有力证据的情况下,Diane独自开始了寻找凶手的旅程,她唯一知道的线索就是凶手驾驶的一辆摩卡色的奔驰车。终于她找到了摩卡色车的司机——一位金色头发的女人。在与她接近的过程中,两个女人之间发生了更多关乎车祸之外的故事。而作为法国中生代演员中坚力量的德芙,也为影片贡献了精准而精湛的演技。