

  • 科幻 电影 
  • Foster H·Phinney Dick Nelson John Baragrey 玛拉·鲍尔斯 罗伯特·赫顿 
  • The impressive title work is the viewer's first clue that producer William Alland and director EugenThe impressive title work is the viewer's first clue that producer William Alland and director Eugene Lourie squeezed considerable artistry and style from a shoestring budget. Look past the economic limitations; the suspenseful and imaginative story involves the death of a humanitarian genius whose father (a famous surgeon) and brother (a robotics expert) team up to keep the genius' brain alive in a robot body (well designed by ace effects artist John P. Fulton). The film's message concerns t...
  • 伦理 
  • Elina Madison 
  • The story revolves around MINTY, a youthful, raven haired, punk rock, feminist, female super heroineThe story revolves around MINTY, a youthful, raven haired, punk rock, feminist, female super heroine, that gets her super powers from eating chocolate, which is a good source of antioxidants. One day Minty's agent, BIG BOSS, an older and honorable gentlemen, is taken hostage by DOCTOR BRAIN BENDER, the evil mastermind. Minty then fights her way up various perverse floors of Doc... (展开全部)   The story revolves around MINTY, a youthful, raven haired, punk rock, feminist, female super heroine, that gets her super powers from eating chocolate, which is a good source of antioxidants. One day Minty's agent, BIG BOSS, an older and honorable gentlemen, is taken hostage by DOCTOR BRAIN BENDER, the evil mastermind. Minty then fights her way up various perverse floors of Doctor Brain Bender's paranormal building to defeat several unusual villains: CAPTAIN CAPABILITY, a freak of nature; SENSATIONAL NINJA, an effeminate assassin; RAT MONSTER, a depressed mutant; BRUCE ZEE, a psycho martial artist; MOLLY LEVIATHAN, a sensual super vixen; ZEN COWBOY, a blindfolded gunslinger; and DOUBLE DELICIOUS, an intellectual lesbian vampire. Along this wild odyssey, Minty educates her adversaries on the fascinating world of natural science and then uses her beauty, her brains, and pure brutality to demonstrate the biological theory of the survival of the fittest. Minty: The Assassin is an artsy indie film that honors the wonderful B-movies that pushed the boundaries of American cinema. It pays homage to the underrated. The film respects the soul of what makes B-movies entertaining. Instead of being restricted by a convoluted storyline, Minty: The Assassin focuses on characters -- outrageous personalities that say and do some really unconventional things.
  • 动作 动画 犯罪 美国 欧美 
  • 卡米尔·拉姆齐 卢克·扬布拉德 查尔斯·钟 豪尔赫·迪亚斯 卡洛斯·阿拉斯拉奇 艾瑞克·鲍扎 曼尼什·达亚尔 弗雷德·塔特西奥 Tru Valentino 
  • 《速度与激情》要拍动画片了,梦工厂和Netflix将打造一部《速激》动画剧集,是梦工厂电视和网飞合作项目的一部分,聚焦真人电影中范·迪塞尔饰演的Dom的表亲——Tony Toretto,和Dom一样,《速度与热情》要拍动画片了,梦工厂和Netflix将打造一部《速激》动画剧集,是梦工厂电视和网飞协作项目的一局部,聚焦真人电影中范·迪塞尔饰演的Dom的表亲——Tony Toretto,和Dom一样,还是个青少年的Tony和他的冤家们被美国政府招募,方案浸透进一个精英赛车联盟,去调查一个暗中想要统治世界的罪恶组织。Tim Hedrick(《战神金刚:传奇护卫者》)和Bret Haaland(《朱利安国王万岁》)担任这部动画剧的执行制造人和运作人。
  • 伦理 
  • 埃莉娜·麦迪逊 Elina Madison 
  • 科幻B级别影片,故事围绕MINTY的,一个年轻的,乌黑的头发,朋克摇滚,女权主义者,女性的超级女主角,吃巧克力,这是一个很好的抗氧化剂来源,得到她的超能力。一天明蒂的代理人,大老板,老年人和尊贵的嘉宾科幻B级别影片,故事围绕MINTY的,一个年轻的,乌黑的头发,朋克摇滚,女权主义者,女性的超级女主角,吃巧克力,这是一个很好的抗氧化剂来源,失掉她的超才干。一天明蒂的代理人,大老板,老年人和尊贵的嘉宾,被劫持为人质,由医生脑弯管机,罪恶的主谋。明蒂然后打架她的方式下跌脑德尔博士的超自然树立的各种不合理地板打败几个不寻常的恶棍:CAPTAIN才干,是畸形的,耸人听闻的忍者,一个懦弱的刺客,RAT怪兽,低迷的突变;BRUCEZEE,心思武术艺术家;无敌利维坦,一个理性的超级狐狸精;ZEN牛仔,一个蒙着眼睛的枪手;双重美味,智慧女同志吸血鬼。沿着这条野生奥德赛,明蒂的诱人世界自然迷信教育她的对手,然后用她的美貌,她的大脑,纯残酷展现生物学实际的优胜劣汰。明蒂:刺客是一个虚无缥缈的独立电影荣誉精彩的B级电影,美国电影的界限推。它致敬低估。该片尊重的灵魂是什么让B级电影文娱。而不是被限制的一个令人隐晦的故事情节,明蒂:刺客着重于人物-离谱的性情,说的和做一些真的十分规的事情。
  • 动作 电影 
  • Ario Bayu Ade Firman Hakim Ardina Rasti 
  • 一个平静 的早晨,雅加达的市中心产生 了恐怖袭击的爆炸事件。整个都市 被恐惧与不安所笼罩。AKBP Ardi和他的步队 成员们冒着生命危险与恐怖袭击分子展开对决,守卫 着首都以及市民们。一个平静 的早晨,雅加达的市中心产生 了恐怖袭击的爆炸事件。整个都市 被恐惧与不安所笼罩。AKBP Ardi和他的步队 成员们冒着生命危险与恐怖袭击分子展开对决,守卫 着首都以及市民们。
  • 欧美 
  • 卡米尔·拉姆齐 卢克·扬布拉德 查尔斯·钟 豪尔赫·迪亚斯 卡洛斯·阿拉斯拉奇 艾瑞克·鲍扎 曼尼什·达亚尔 弗雷德·塔特西奥 Tru Valentino 
  • 《速度与热情》要拍动画片了,梦工厂和Netflix将打造一部《速激》动画剧集,是梦工厂电视和网飞协作项目的一局部,聚焦真人电影中范·迪塞尔饰演的Dom的表亲——T《速度与热情》要拍动画片了,梦工厂和Netflix将打造一部《速激》动画剧集,是梦工厂电视和网飞协作项目的一局部,聚焦真人电影中范·迪塞尔饰演的Dom的表亲——Tony Toretto,和Dom一样,还是个青少年的Tony和他的冤家们被美国政府招募,方案浸透进一个精英赛车联盟,去调查一个暗中想要统治世界的罪恶组织Tim Hedrick(《战神金刚:传奇护卫者》)和Bret Haaland(《朱利安国王万岁》)担任这部动画剧的执行制造人和运作人。