

  • 剧情 同性 
  • Mikhael Klassen-Kay Caylin Turner 
  • 83分钟
  • 凯特和斯蒂薇不仅是好闺蜜,还一起组建乐队,平时会在凯特家的地下室练习。当凯特喜欢上酷女孩艾登,她决定帮助艾登策划出一档最好的校园春季晚会,而艾登的心愿就是让Polyamorous Diatribe乐队凯特和斯蒂薇不只是好闺蜜,还一同组建乐队,往常会在凯特家的地下室练习。当凯特喜欢上酷女孩艾登,她决议协助艾登谋划出一档最好的校园春季晚会,而艾登的希望就是让Polyamorous Diatribe乐队登台演出。实践上,凯特就是乐队主唱丹妮的女儿,在斯蒂薇的协助下,凯特不只需努力让由于当年一系列鸡飞狗跳的事情而解散的乐队重聚,还要追到心爱的女孩——她能成功吗?
  • 剧情 
  • Iris Jodorowsky William Mesguich Amandine Noworyta 
  • 97分钟
  • Elodie and Laetitia live in close love and dream of having a child. As Elodie discovers that she canElodie and Laetitia live in close love and dream of having a child. As Elodie discovers that she cannot get pregnant because of a health problem and encounters financial troubles, they decide to take a roommate.
  • 欧美 
  • Lorna Watson Max Brown Jerry Iwu Miranda Raison Ami Metcalf 
  •   First there was Father Brown. Now, say hello to Sister Boniface. This clever, moped-riding nun is   First there was Father Brown. Now, say hello to Sister Boniface. This clever, moped-riding nun is the police's secret weapon for solving murders in this divine Father Brown spin-off.
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • Gerold Wunstel 凯·科菲 Christopher Karl Johnson 尼克尔·穆勒 Yaz Canli Robert Shampain Korey Simeone Annette Remter 
  • 恶灵俯身于少女的身上,恐怖的事情不断发生着,医生们用常规的治疗完全没有效果,终于,他们请来了神父,来驱逐恶魔,把女孩拉出魔鬼的手掌!恶灵俯身于少女的身上,恐怖的事情不断发生着,医生们用常规的治疗完全没有效果,终于,他们请来了神父,来驱逐恶魔,把女孩拉出魔鬼的手掌!