

  • 综艺 
  • 【2017央视元宵晚会】 李健经典歌曲《向... 
  • 豆瓣 9.02017央视春晚花絮首发平台:CCTV微视邀请您一起直击2017央视春晚台前幕后,一起热聊春晚的故事,围炉喜品春晚,庆团圆
  • 综艺 
  • 吉他中国2017鸡年吉他春晚 
  • 豆瓣 7.0吉他中国将迎来第12届“鸡年吉他春晚”吉他春晚2015年再次回到网络,成为吉他中国第一个时常凌驾 2小时的纯吉他演出 视频节目2016年,吉他中国继续组织并制作了“猴年吉他春晚”,时长再超2小时,视频播放量10万+,云集了吉他中国顾问嘉宾、旗下艺人、优秀乐手,制作了一整台属于吉他音乐喜好 者的“春节节目”。2017年,这个属于吉他手们自己的“春晚”依然将继续。
  • 综艺 
  • 玩转地球 2010-08-17 
  • 豆瓣 8.0《玩转地球》是旅游卫视的一档综艺节目,节目探索未知,体验特殊 切实可行的出游指南加上幽默滑稽 的节目主持人,不管是足不出户的环球旅行家,还是猖獗 出位的刺激追逐者,...
  • 剧情 电影 
  • SaebyeokKIM김새벽 JonghwanPARK박종환 SoojangPAIK백수장 
  • Giseon works as an administrator at a high school. He begins to nurture an interest in Jinsu, a studGiseon works as an administrator at a high school. He begins to nurture an interest in Jinsu, a student on the soccer team. He asks him how his soccer practices are, and whether there are any problems in school. He even visits him at home. Giseon’s ex Hyejin quits her job and gets busy remodeling her mother’s small restaurant. The stories of Giseon and Hyejin run parallel, and they reappear after some time has passed. Giseon has quit working at the school and is writing for a private newsletter. He is writing a story on a delivery driver, Hyeonsu. Characters in the film each live their own times. The director says, “I remember the moments I saw a face. A face filled with a happy smile, a face twisted in anger, a face lifelessly looking around, and a face that is certainly devoid of any emotion.” Possible Faces is not a film tied to the development of a story. It is the story of three characters who are somehow connected, but without a clear cause and effect relationship. (NAM Dong-chul)
  • 综艺 
  • 两岸新新闻20171218 
  • 豆瓣 4.0两岸人关切的两岸事务, 两岸人关心的两岸资讯, 两岸人关注的国际新闻