

  • 家庭 奇幻 冒险 电影 
  • 阿纽林·巴纳德 Aneurin Barnard 麦克·辛 琳娜·海蒂 山姆·尼尔 艾恩·格拉法德 凯莉·霍威 
  • 100分钟
  • 主人公玛利安·茫迪是一名十七岁的少年。他的父母突然离奇失踪,让生活发生了翻天尝覆地的变化,玛利安必须照顾自己年幼的弟弟菲利克斯。一天,菲利克斯被神秘的攻击者绑架,玛利安不得不同古怪的冒险家查瑞缇上尉结  马力安(阿纽林·巴纳德AneurinBarnard饰)是一位十七岁的天真少年,某日,他的父母双双神秘失踪,留下马力安和弟弟菲利克斯(哈维尔·阿特金斯XavierAtkins饰)过着相依为命的生活,然而祸不单行,菲利克斯遭恶人绑架,一时间生命危在旦夕。  马力安遇见了性格古怪的冒险家查瑞提(迈克尔·辛MichaelSheen饰),两人结伴,前往地处偏远的孤岛上拯救菲利克斯。在那里,马力安和查瑞提走入了一间神秘的旅店,一个神奇的魔法世界展现在了两人的面前,那里不仅蕴藏着珍贵的宝藏,亦存在着穷凶极恶的敌人和暴徒,最终,马力安能否成功解救菲利克斯,找到自己双亲失踪的真相呢?
  • 喜剧 电视 
  • 杰克·戈尔 玛丽·麦克科马克 迈克尔·库立兹 Sam·Straley Caleb·Foote 索耶·巴斯 克里斯托弗·保罗·理查兹 Andy·Walken Santino·Barnard 
  • 25分钟
  • 豆瓣 N/A由TimDoyle开发的70年代家庭喜剧《TheKidsAreAlright》讲述一个爱尔兰裔的天主教家庭–Cleary一家。在美国最为动荡时代的洛杉矶工人阶级邻里中,Mike及Peggy照料着8个孩子,不外这么多人也自然很难做到面面俱到。而当大儿子Lawrence回家说自己退入迷学院时,这一家的安稳就被推翻过来了。MichaelCudlitz饰演MikeCleary﹑MaryMcCormack饰演PeggyCleary﹑SamStraley饰演Lawrence﹑CalebMartinFoote饰演Eddie﹑SawyerBarth饰演Frank﹑ChristopherPaulRichards饰演Joey﹑JackGore饰演Timmy﹑AndyWalken饰演William及SantinoBarnard饰演Pat.。
  • 剧情 
  • Joey Aucoin Neal Barnard Gene Baur 
  • What has happened to us? Despite the most advanced medical technology in the world, we are sicker thWhat has happened to us? Despite the most advanced medical technology in the world, we are sicker than ever by nearly every measure. Two out of every three of us are overweight. Cases of diabetes are exploding, especially amongst our younger population. About half of us are taking at least one prescription drug. Major medical operations have become routine, helping to drive health care costs to astronomical levels. Heart disease, cancer and stroke are the country’s three leading causes of dea... more What has happened to us? Despite the most advanced medical technology in the world, we are sicker than ever by nearly every measure. Two out of every three of us are 
  • 纪录 电影 
  • Kip Andersen Larry Baldwin Neal Barnard Tia Blanco David Carter Jake Conroy 
  • An intrepid filmmaker on a journey of discovery as he uncovers possibly the largest health secret ofAn intrepid filmmaker on a journey of discovery as he uncovers possibly the largest health secret of our time and the collusion between industry, government, pharmaceutical and health organizations keeping this information from us.