

  • 其它 伦理 
  • Stephanie Lodge Abi Casson Thompson Richard Kovacs 
  •  Jenna, Kelly and Ness have all found themselves isolated around lockdown. With little to do around Jenna, Kelly and Ness have all found themselves isolated around lockdown. With little to do around the homes, and a lot of time on their hands, the girls interact with one another ...
  • 恐怖 
  • 阿德里安·布薛特 Abi Casson Thompson Sarah T. Cohen 
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  •   A fallen MMA fighter must win a netherworld no-holds-barred death tournament against man, beast an  A fallen MMA fighter must win a netherworld no-holds-barred death tournament against man, beast and demon to save her soul.
  • 恐怖 
  • Georgina Jane Bao Tieu Sarah T. Cohen Kelly Juvilee Jake Watkins Michael Owusu Abi Casson Thompson 
  • “在学校被苛刻的女孩们为难之后,法耶,一个修行的女巫,呼唤罪恶的丘比特来报复一切损伤她的人情人节那天,丘比特真的会站起来,在墙壁被鲜血掩盖之前什么也不做。先生们必需想方法阻止丘比特,在心碎之前解除咒语“在学校被苛刻的女孩们为难之后,法耶,一个修行的女巫,呼唤罪恶的丘比特来报复一切损伤她的人情人节那天,丘比特真的会站起来,在墙壁被鲜血掩盖之前什么也不做。先生们必需想方法阻止丘比特,在心碎之前解除咒语
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • Jon Callaway Abi Casson Thompson  Kate Lush 
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  • TwoparanormalinvestigatorsarecalleduponbyadistressedfamilythatclaimstheyarebeingtormentedbyanevilspiTwoparanormalinvestigatorsarecalleduponbyadistressedfamilythatclaimstheyarebeingtormentedbyanevilspiritknownintheirlocaltownasTheCandyWitch.  However,asthemysteryofhercurseisuncovered,surprisingandsinisterturnsarediscoveredaroundTheCandyWitch’sidentity.Theirhardestcaseyet,cantheghosthunterssolvethisevilcursebeforemorepeoplearekilledbythedemonicspirit?