

  • 恐怖 电影 
  • 克洛伊·莱文 JeremyHolm GranitLahu 
  • When Chelsea and her friends get in trouble with the cops, they flee the city and go on the run. FueWhen Chelsea and her friends get in trouble with the cops, they flee the city and go on the run. Fueled by a hallucinogenic drug called Echo, they hope to lay low-and get high-in an old family hideout in the woods.However, Chelsea has reservations about going back to nature and secrets she’s not sharing with her friends. When a shot rings out, her past comes crashing back, and the punks find themselves pitted against the local authority- an unhinged park ranger with a real axe to grind…
  • 战争 电影 
  • Daniel Seyoum Seble Tilahun Mekdes Wegene 
  • 豆瓣 7.0改编自德国著名歌手森娜特·梅哈瑞(Senait Mehari)的脱销 书,讲述了一个德国女兵在非洲厄立特里亚内战中寻求生存的故事,这部作品也可以看作是森娜特-梅哈瑞的半自传,透过这本自传,人们对这位巨星的人生可以有更多的了解,可以一窥她一直不肯 意回首的过去是怎样的这是森娜特第一次直接面对她在非洲的童年往事而导演也将继续延续自己上一部作品的纪录片气势派头 。