

  • 其它 伦理 
  • Henry Coombes Ross Hunter Jonathan Powell Jo McQuaid 
  • Out of the imagination of acclaimed artist-filmmaker Henry Coombes comes Albert, an eccentric, agingOut of the imagination of acclaimed artist-filmmaker Henry Coombes comes Albert, an eccentric, aging painter doubling as an unconventional, Jung-inspired psychotherapist. When Albert's friend asks him to counsel her lethargic grandson Ben, whose ongoing boyfriend problems are rapidly fueling an already deep depression, their subsequent therapy sessions reveal as much about Albe..
  • 剧情 电影 
  • 伯朗杰尔·邦沃辛 帕特里克·伯利奇 Benoît Brione Daniel Brochu Richard Dumont Kathleen Fee Gaëtan Gallier Kent McQuaid 
  • 喧嚣阴冷的城市一角,住着貌不惊人的小男人爱德蒙。因曾经遭遇过电梯事故,他无论何时都选择走楼梯。爱蒙德先生身材矮小,站在人群中毫不起眼。也许自惭形秽,他几乎不与任何人交谈,也不来公司食堂吃饭,一个人独来喧嚣阴冷的城市一角,住着貌不惊人的小男人爱德蒙。因曾经遭遇过电梯事故,他无论何时都选择走楼梯。爱蒙德先生身材矮小,站在人群中毫不起眼。也许自惭形秽,他几乎不与任何人交谈,也不来公司食堂吃饭,一个人独来独往,用心做好份内的工作和眼前的一切事情,即使被同事嘲笑和捉弄也从不申辩反抗。有一天,两个促狭的同事将纸糊驴耳朵悄悄套在爱蒙德的头上,当他来到盥洗室的镜子前,竟发现那里面显现出驴的身影。 这一幕让爱蒙的心中大受触动,然而他似乎如此享受戴着驴耳朵的时时刻刻,仿佛驴才是自己真实的样子……