

  • 剧情 惊悚 电影 科幻 悬疑 电视 
  • Scott Croushore Rodney Grier Kennedy Waite Portia Realer Walter Anaruk David Waite Holly Westwood Carmine DePaulo Matthew J. Plumb Macayla Hyde 
  • 90分钟
  • 一个有威望的参议员(厄尼•赫德森)在联盟站上火车时,他期待一个平静之旅。他的此次旅行被中断,一群民兵组织劫持了火车,把他和其他数名乘客扣为人质,在车上策划着一次核炸弹。英勇的ATF特工(杰夫•费伊)也  艺术教师欠下了巨额的债务,而他的债主是一名无情的黑帮老大。黑帮的压迫与逼债使教师身陷绝望,无处可躲。在迫不得已之际,教师准备绑架一名棒球运动员的女儿,以此胁迫对方家长,希望可以还清债务。令他没有想到的是,绑架事件意外重重,每一件事都在深深地拷问着他的心灵。事实上,作为一个本性善良的人当他谋划绑架女孩时,就预示着他的计划将会以失败告终。
  • 动画 动漫 
  • 多姆·德路易斯 ChristopherPlummer EricaYohn 
  • Fievel is a young Russian mouse separated from his parents on the way to America, a land they think Fievel is a young Russian mouse separated from his parents on the way to America, a land they think is without cats. When he arrives alone in the New World, he keeps up hope, searching for his family, making new friends, and running and dodging the cats he thought he"d be rid off.
  • 动画 奇幻 电影 
  • Christopher Plummer Ron Perlman 
  • 83分钟
  • 一个小男孩被一本神秘的书传送到了一个带着童话色彩和梦魇般的奇异的冰森雪国。在那里他和怪异的DeepOne成为朋友并且发现了能指引他回家的秘密。  自阿卡漢瘋人院探望父親回來以後,浩爾不顧父親的警告,利用死靈之書打開一條通道,意外來到了住著恐怖怪物且危機重重的冰天雪地。  他在那裡認識了怪物小斑,並很快地建立起友誼,一起找尋浩爾回家的辦法,殊不知他們其實正一步步,踏入冰雪王國統治者冰后釋放宇宙毀滅者的邪惡計畫中。
  • 剧情 动作 爱情 电影 
  • 哈里森·福特 莱斯利-安·唐恩 ChristopherPlummer 
  • 豆瓣 6.9此片是一部发展流畅,写情动人的战争文艺片。讲述一名美国空军飞行员在二次大战赴英国服役期间,恋上了一名有夫之妇的英国护士,后来还负责载送其丈夫赴德国从事一项间谍任务。该片三角恋情拍得相当回肠荡气,压轴戏里有颇具紧张刺激效果的场面。
  • 动漫 
  • AlexaPenaVega ChristopherPlummer BillPaxton CarlosPenaVega 
  • Joe Beck has lost the love of his life thanks to a Pixie"s Curse and he now needs to figure outJoe Beck has lost the love of his life thanks to a Pixie"s Curse and he now needs to figure out how to get his girl back, learn more about the mysterious Pixies and undo a bad deed he did long ago.
  • 爱情 喜剧 电影 
  • 简·默勒尼 Yvonne Zima 克里斯汀·艾伯索尔 John Plumpis 克里斯汀·艾伯塞尔 Kellen Fink 凯伦·阿兰 Kale Browne 
  • Gwen grows up with her romantic mother constantly telling her the story of her courtship and marriagGwen grows up with her romantic mother constantly telling her the story of her courtship and marriage to her father. Nick grows up with an alcoholic father who can't hold a job and whose family, as a result, is forced to move all the time. The two are shaped by this - Gwen a romantic and Nick withdrawn, unsure of himself - as they watch the hugely popular sixties sitcom,"One Big Happy Family." Years later, it is the star of that show, now a child actor gone bad with a history of detox and pe...
  • 励志 益智 亲子 早教 [db:分类名称] 动漫 
  • 张璐 Mette Munk Plum 唐静 张杰 
  • 豆瓣 9.0以河南洛阳本土衣食住行娱文化为线索,以诙谐的Q版卡通动画为体现 形式,通过“洛阳牡丹文化动漫形象大使”的游历及对话教授普通老黎民 常用旅游英语知识