

  • 喜剧 爱情 家庭 电影 
  • 杰西卡·塔克 SamSaletta DianaMorgan LisaArch 特蕾莎·甘泽尔 
  • 87
  • 黛丝和艾蜜莉拼命地想为只身老爸麦斯找个美丽美眉牵红线,有什么方式会比在圣塔摩尼卡的看板上登告白更有效力呢?然而,真爱可不是这么容易就能找到的,所以说麦斯和他的新女友布鲁克火花四溅的恋爱路上,自然也免不黛丝和艾蜜莉拼命地想为只身老爸麦斯找个美丽美眉牵红线,有什么方式会比在圣塔摩尼卡的看板上登告白更有效力呢?然而,真爱可不是这么容易就能找到的,所以说麦斯和他的新女友布鲁克火花四溅的恋爱路上,自然也免不了会有些小小的障碍...  首先是布鲁克的儿子莱恩,他和双胞胎初相见时产生了一些相处上的"歧见";比及三人成为朋友后,便开端联手敷衍第二个障碍--麦斯惟利是图的经纪人奈吉。这三个古灵精怪的青少年会想出怎样异想天开的妙计来拉拢他们的怙恃呢?
  • 剧情 
  • 罗伯特·米亚诺 翠西·达利 Nicole Cherié Saletta Ashlee Hewitt 
  • Elle (Ashlee Hewitt) wants to be a singer/songwriter, but her dreams are cut short by the sudden deaElle (Ashlee Hewitt) wants to be a singer/songwriter, but her dreams are cut short by the sudden death of her parents. She moves in with her adoptive uncle, who runs a small independent record label whose biggest act, Sensation, is also Elle's biggest pain. The pop music environment at the label, very different than the country roots she is used to, adds to Elle's feelings of loss and frustration, and her misplaced guilt, which is caused by the fact that her parents had been en route to her performance at the time of their death. But when she meets Ty Parker (Sterling Knight), a famous pop singer with a passion for "real" music, her repressed ambition is released through a revitalized interest in singing and songwriting ...