

  • 犯罪 剧情 悬疑 电影 
  • 约翰·特拉沃尔塔 玛德琳·斯托 詹姆斯·克伦威尔 詹姆斯·伍兹 莱斯利·斯蒂芬森 Leslie Stefanson 约翰·特拉沃塔 
  • 在无人询问或告之的世界里,军队是最能够隐瞒事实的真相的地方。一个受人尊敬的将军的女儿被人十分残忍的杀害了,但却没有人愿意接受这个案子。当一个顽强的调查员开始挖掘其中的秘密的时候,他意识到情况远比他想象在无人询问或告之的世界里,军队是最能够隐瞒事实的真相的地方。一个受人尊敬的将军的女儿被人十分残忍的杀害了,但却没有人愿意接受这个案子。当一个顽强的调查员开始挖掘其中的秘密的时候,他意识到情况远比他想象的严重得多。授权军官保罗(约翰·特拉沃夫塔 JOHN TRAVOLTA饰)是来自“军队罪行调查部”的高级官员,被指派进行科佩尔上尉(莱思拉·斯迪芬森  LESLIE STEPANSON饰)的谋杀案的调查。他在无意中揭露了涉及很大面的丑行。保罗被授予很大的权利,即不论此案涉及到谁,不论此人现在何处,他都能够将他们逮捕归案。于是保罗决定彻底解决这一问题,不论结果将他引向何处。而他必须面对的一个人是他心目中的英雄——有光荣称号的肯佩尔将军(JAMES CROMWELL饰),他不仅是战争中英勇的指挥官,而且也以他的诚实和荣誉为人们称道,他也是在即将到来的选举的副总统提名人。
  • 动作 
  • James Spader Leslie Stefanson David Keith 
  •  It's a quiet little town where nothing happens - until the day the bank is hit for half a million d It's a quiet little town where nothing happens - until the day the bank is hit for half a million dollars of Indian casino money by a thief wearing a clowns mask. From here the story follows a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse between bank robber and former cop Parker (James Spader) and small-town police officer Ray DeCarlo (David Keith) determined to catch him. Parker doesn't he... 
  • 动作 
  • James Spader Leslie Stefanson David Keith 
  • It's a quiet little town where nothing happens - until the day the bank is hit for half a million doIt's a quiet little town where nothing happens - until the day the bank is hit for half a million dollars of Indian casino money by a thief wearing a clowns mask. From here the story follows a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse between bank robber and former cop Parker (James Spader) and small-town police officer Ray DeCarlo (David Keith) determined to catch him. Parker doesn't help himself by holing up with a nurse who happens to be DeCarlo's former wife. Throw in a rookie FBI agent, Indians who want their money back, some former friends of Parker who are not so friendly anymore and his fate seems sealed.