

  • 剧情 电影 
  • 维施努·维绍尔 Manjima Mohan Gautham Vasudev Menon 
  • Irfan, an innocent man with an ordinary life, is portrayed as the evil incarnated by media trials. IIrfan, an innocent man with an ordinary life, is portrayed as the evil incarnated by media trials. Is there a journey back to normal life for a man accused of terrorism? Is there more to Irfan than what meets the eye?
  • 爱情 
  • 纳萨鲁丁·沙 莉蕾特·杜贝 Shefali Shetty Vijay Raaz Tillotama Shome Vasundhara Das Parvin Dabas Kulbhushan Kharbanda Kamini Khanna 
  •   印度新德里的一家人正在准备女儿阿迪特(   印度新德里的一家人正在预备女儿阿迪特(瓦塞达拉Vasundhara Das 饰)出嫁的婚礼父亲拉里特(纳萨鲁丁?沙 Naseeruddin Shah 饰)为她选定的如意郎君是从美国留学回来的富商之子海蒙特。但是,阿迪特并不开心,由于她还有一个在电视台做掌管人的情人,并且是个有妇之夫。所以她一面在父母的敦促下预备婚礼,一方面又要偷偷跟意中人约会……   婚礼还改动了很多人的命运:婚礼设计师杜比跟女仆爱丽丝机缘巧合,堕入爱河;阿迪特的表妹跟澳大利亚的留先生打得炽热;阿迪特的姑丈泰迦表示要资助她的表姐丽尔出国留学。但是,丽尔并不领情,反而竭力支持女儿跟泰迦相处,由于她隐瞒了一段不堪回首的往事……   本片获第58届威尼斯电影节最佳影片金狮奖。
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Karel Hermanek Marek Vasut Frantisek Kovar  
  • 豆瓣 9.01936年春,捷克斯洛伐克拳击冠军维尔达应德国拳击会的邀请到了柏林,同上届欧洲冠军库尔特角逐维尔达拳术高超 ,经过数个回合的较量,眼看库尔特渐渐支持不住,此时裁判突然喊停,反而判库尔特获胜。原来赛前德国人已经用重金买通了维尔达的老板克拉可夫斯基。维尔达自然不平 弃,但是也无奈。他暗下决心进一步苦练拳击,来日再打败库尔特。库尔特则洋洋自得 ,声称自己将去美国加入 角逐 。美国人故意坚持以库尔特击败维尔达为先。
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • Raashi Khanna Nandita Shwetha 普拉卡什·拉贾 Nithiin 贾雅苏达 Bhagyashree Rajitha Meena Vasu 拉詹德拉·普拉萨德 Annapoorna 
  • Vasu "Nithin" is a well-educated youth who belongs to a joint family. He falls in love witVasu "Nithin" is a well-educated youth who belongs to a joint family. He falls in love with Sri(Raashi Khanna) and confronts her father "Prakash Raj" about his love. On the other hand, Sri's father is a rich businessman who does not believe in old-school formalities of marriage and traditions. Rest of the story is as to how Vasu takes things into his hands and makes his wedding happen on a traditional note by changing Sri's father's mindset.