

  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 茱莉亚·卡米斯卡 Tomasz Karolak Adrian Majewski 玛利亚·帕库尔尼斯 Michal Piprowski Katarzyna Sawczuk Wojciech Solarz Anita Sokolowska Barbara Wypych 迈西·扎科斯西尼 Urszula Dudziak Krzysztof Ibisz Mariusz Bindula 索尼娅·博霍谢维奇 Aleksandra Boron Remigiusz Jankowski 
  • 对音乐的天赋和热情可以使人达到顶峰。然而,在路上,将会有演艺圈的陷阱。其中包括金钱、名气和粉丝群。在这个名气如此难以捉摸的世界里,一个年轻女孩能为自己的梦想而奋斗吗?一个备受争议的选秀节目“音乐竞赛”对音乐的先天和热忱可以使人到达岑岭。可是,在路上,将会有演艺圈的圈套。其中包孕金钱、名看和粉丝群。在这个名看云云难以捉摸的世界里,一个年轻女孩能为本人的胡想而妥协吗?一个备受争议的选秀节目“音乐比赛”不时在全国各地寻觅有才气的歌手。谁将末尾一个事业,谁将掉掉一个冷水澡的决定总是由三个陪审团决定:一个已经很受欢迎的歌手,奥洛(Maciej Zakoscielny),社交媒体皇后,伊娃(Julia Kaminska),和波兰爵士夫人乌尔祖拉·杜兹亚克(Urszula Dudziak,自演)。在奥洛的田园举行的一次海选中,有一场争持。末尾的人是“奥斯特拉”(由卡塔兹娜·索克扮演)。这个起义少女对陪审员对她母亲的高傲和不放在眼里举动感应愤慨(安妮塔·索科洛夫斯卡)。这个小丑闻很适宜该剧的制作人(托马斯·卡洛拉克),他将《奥斯特拉》推向下一个阶段。在那边,她不只脾性急躁,并且嗓音也很棒。可是,成功是要支出代价的。受欢迎并不像很多人想的那末使人愉快。咱们的少年英豪将不可不面临正大和品格的真正考验。这位年轻的明星行将末尾她的舞台竞争,严格的演艺圈,最紧张的是,她本人的感受。
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 茱莉亚·卡米斯卡 Tomasz Karolak Adrian Majewski 玛利亚·帕库尔尼斯 Michal Piprowski Katarzyna Sawczuk Wojciech Solarz Anita Sokolowska Barbara Wypych 迈西·扎科斯西尼 Urszula Dudziak Krzysztof Ibisz Mariusz Bindula 索尼娅·博霍谢维奇 Aleksandra Boron Remigiusz Jankowski 
  • Talent and passion for music can take one to the very top. On the way, however, there are going to bTalent and passion for music can take one to the very top. On the way, however, there are going to be showbiz traps. There is money, fame and fan crowds involved. Will a young girl be able to fight for her dreams in this no-holds-barred world where fame is so elusive? A controversial talent show called "Music Race" keeps looking for talented singers all over the country. The decision on who will be started-up for a career and who will get a cold shower is always up to the three jurors: a once-popular singer, Olo (Maciej Zakoscielny), social media queen, Ewa (Julia Kaminska), and the dame of Polish jazz, Urszula Dudziak (playing herself). During an audition held in Olo's home town, there is a row. The person who starts it is "Ostra" (played by Katarzyna Sawczuk). The rebel teen is outraged by the juror's arrogant and dismissive behaviour towards her mother (Anita Sokolowska). The small scandal suits the show's producer (Tomasz Karolak), who pushes "Ostra" through to the next stage. There, it will turn out that the girl doesn't just have a fiery temper, but a great voice as well. Success, though, comes at a price. Being popular is not as pleasant as many people think. Our teenage hero will have to face a genuine test of integrity and character. The young star is about to take on her stage competition, the ruthless world of show business, and, most importantly, her own feelings.